Studying the Names and Attributes of Allāh helps the individual to heighten his consciousness of Allāh (سبحانه وتعالى). If he develops an awareness that Allāh sees him at all times, he will feel shy to do anything that he would not like Allāh to see. Because Allāh hears all things, he will feel shy to say anything except that which is pleasing to Allāh. When he realizes that Allāh knows what is concealed in the chests, He will purify his actions and his intentions for Allāh.
As one’s awareness of Allāh increases, He will witness Allāh’s Mercy, Allāh’s Generosity, His Kindness, His Justice, His Wisdom, and all His Lofty Attributes in everything and in every facet of his life. Developing this awareness of Allāh by contemplating His Names is the key to attaining the level of Ihsān.
`Umar and Abū Hurayrah have reported that when Jibrīl asked the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) about Ihsān, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) replied, “It is to worship Allāh as if you see Him, for if you do not see Him, surely He sees you.”
As for his statement “It is to worship Allāh as if you see Him,” it indicates that a person should worship Allāh with a consciousness that He is Near and that he, the worshipper, is standing before Him. This will result in feelings of awe, fear, and reverence as mentioned in the narration of Abū Hurayrah, “To fear Allāh as though you see Him.” This also leads to sincerity in worship and expending one’s full efforts in beautifying and perfecting one’s act of worship.
As for his statement, “for if you do not see Him, surely He sees you,” many scholars have interpreted this to be referring to a level beneath the level mentioned in the first statement. The worshipper may find it difficult to develop the first level of consciousness of Allāh. In that case, he should seek assistance in worshipping Allāh from his belief that Allāh sees him, that He is aware of his exterior and interior, that nothing is hidden from Him. When he attains this station, it will then become easy for him to arrive at the second station, which is to develop a continual consciousness of Allāh’s Nearness to Him.
In his commentary on this hadīth, ibn Rajab quotes one of the pious ladies of the Salaf as saying,
“Whoever performs works for Allāh based upon witnessing (mushāhadah), then he is a pious sage (`ārif), and whosoever performs works for Allāh based on the realization that Allāh is witnessing him, then he is a sincere worshipper (mukhlis).”
Ibn Rajab comments on this, saying,
“She has mentioned the two stations already alluded to.
“She has mentioned the two stations already alluded to.
The first of them is the station of al-ikhlās. It is for the servant to perform deeds while conscious that Allāh is witnessing him, watching him, and Near to him. If the servant maintains an awareness of this while doing his deeds, he will be sincere to Allāh (mukhlis lillāh), because his awareness of this during the course of his deeds will prevent him from turning to anyone other than Allāh or intending anyone else by his deed.
The second of them is the station of al-mushāhadah. It is for the servant to perform deeds based upon his witnessing Allāh (تعالى) with his heart. It is for his heart to be illuminated with faith and for his insight to penetrate knowledge until the unseen becomes like the seen.”
This station of ihsān is only attainable by knowledge of Allāh which is gained by studying and understanding His Names, His Attributes, and His Actions.
Posted by: Abu Bakr
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